Category: Appetizers, Lunch, Side Dishes, Snack, Vegan food, Vegetarian food
4 Servings
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 10 Mins
Cook Time:
40 Mins
Total Time:
50 Mins
You already know my recipe for Potatoes Wedges, so here is another one, slightly different but yet delicious and crunchy. Everyone out there that didn’t know how to become a carrot fan? You will love these! Make a healthy garlic-greek yogurt or honey-mustard dip and enjoy your next healthy movie night!
Adjust Servings
- Slice carrots into thin slices, similar to french fries. Transfer them to a large bowl, add all the other ingredients and stir well. Bake 40 minutes at 200 degrees, 20 minutes per each side.